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Point of sale terminal

point of sale terminal

PayPoint Plus for Android is a new all-in-one mPOS solution that brings unmatched style to the point-of-sale with a distinctive modern aesthetic.

It provides everything a merchant needs including a 15.6" Android-powered system, a fully integrated 2D barcode scanner from Honeywell, a 3-inch printer from Star Micronics, an encryptable MSR from Magtek, full-sized 16-inch cash drawer and connections for third party peripherals.

PayPoint Plus for Android is a new all-in-one mPOS solution that brings unmatched style to the point of sale with a distinctive modern aesthetic. PayPoint Plus provides everything a merchant needs including a 15.6" Android-powered system, a fully integrated 2D barcode scanner from Honeywell, a 3-inch printer from Star Micronics, an encryptable MSR from Magtek, full-sized 16-inch cash drawer and connections for third party peripherals.

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