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Having as many services intergated is super important to sell more tickets.



Be in full control of your customers and sync your ticket buyers’ data into MailChimp or simply export it in an excel file. In this way, you can retarget your most loyal fans for any upcoming event or promotions.

Google Ads

Google Ads

Keeping track of valuable insights lets you know which ad performs best and how to further improve your strategy. Install Google Ads tag directly from your organiser panel dashboard and see search or display campaigns results from your account.

Facebook Tracking

For any successful Facebook advertising, it is important to gain insights of the actions taken by your customers on your page. Our platform enables you to install your own pixel ID to quantify useful information such as page views, conversions and sales.



Using Adroll for your promotions? Easily assess key metrics, trends and reports of your marketing campaigns from your AdRoll dashboard by adding your AdRoll Pixel to your events or attractions’ page. This procedure can be easily done via your Platinumlist organiser panel dashboard.


Use Twitter conversion tracking to refine your Twitter advertising strategy. Simply place your conversion tag from your event’s organiser panel and see results driven by actions such as site visit and purchase.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics

Observe your campaigns’ performance and ads results live and measure all required statistics like page views and conversions, from the information hub of your GA account by adding your Google Analytics tag via your Platinumlist organiser panel.

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كيفية الاتصال بتطبيق الواتس اب
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  2. فتح تطبيق الواتس اب
  3. بدء المحادثة بإرسال رسالة إلى فريق الدعم
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