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Powerful ticketing technology that works hard as much as you do

Your goal is to sell more tickets — and so is ours. Platinumlist is a trusted end-to-end platform that is built to sell tickets for all kinds of entertainment events, business, sports, online events, attractions and tours and much more.

Trusted by clients worldwide

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Sell tickets to almost anything

Entertainment events
Our basic to advanced solutions are built for seamless ticketing and entry operations for concerts, theatrical shows, nightlife events or any kind of entertainment events.
Entertainment events
Entertainment events
Entertainment events
Attractions, Tours and Excursions
Attractions, Tours and Excursions
Attractions, Tours and Excursions
Attractions, Tours and Excursions

Destination attractions of all types can leverage our powerful ticketing system and our extensive digital marketing reach to sell more tickets.

Our platform can be used as an end-to-end base ticketing system, a reseller or a white label solutions provider.

Sports Events and Registration
Our system is capable of handling up to over 100,000 attendees per day. We are trusted by most of the region’s sports events and venues.
Sports Events and Registration
Sports Events and Registration
Sports Events and Registration
Business Events and Seminars
Business Events and Seminars
Business Events and Seminars
Business Events and Seminars
Simplified yet sophisticated registration solutions, online ticketing and on-site entry management for conferences, lectures, conventions, seminars and workshops.
Online Events and Live Streaming
We support selling tickets for any format of online events worldwide. Easy set up in a few minutes.
Online Events and Live Streaming
Venue Ticketing & Long-term Shows
Venue Ticketing & Long-term Shows
Venue Ticketing & Long-term Shows
Venue Ticketing & Long-term Shows
Full range of custom solutions tailored for venues or long-term shows such as white label solutions, box office cash management, advanced sales reports and so much more. No expensive hardware required to activate.
RFID Cashless Solutions
Enable cashless transactions during your event using RFID Technology. Event goers will be provided RFID wristbands that are scannable by our Access Control App. This can be used for purchases, redeeming vouchers and access control accreditation.
RFID Cashless Solutions
RFID Cashless Solutions

Integrate with your favourite tools.
No coding required.

Install tracking pixels Install tracking pixels
Add Google tags Add Google tags
Create tracking links Create tracking links
Sync ticket buyers with MailChimpSync ticket buyers with MailChimp

You get more than just a platform

We provide complementing services that are equally important for the success of your overall operations.
  • Digital marketing
  • Event staffing
  • Ticket printing
  • Rent or buy equipment
  • Express event licensing
You get more than just a platform
You get more than just a platform
You get more than just a platform
You get more than just a platform
You get more than just a platform
Platinumlist is the market leader in MENA region and has a diversifying offering that includes concerts, as well as sport and other attractions.
  • - International Ticketing Yearbook -
    page 68 about UAE
Rating book
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