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Let’s be partners!

sale console

Sell tickets at your store

  • Full list of events
  • No technical integration needed
  • All you need is a PC or Mac no printer required
  • Appear in our location guide
  • Flexible commission on top of the ticket
  • Tickets are sent directly via sms email branded with your logo
  • Easy to use sale console
  • Flexible payment terms
  • We handle the after sales support and entry
  • Optional API integration
  • Fully automated billing panel

Perfectly suited for

  • Hotel concierges
  • Coffee shops
  • Travel agencies
  • Grocery stores
  • Exchange outlets
  • Deal and Discount Websites

What are the benefits?

  • Increased footfall to you store
  • Bundle tickets to your products & services
  • Full inventory of tickets to all events available on platinumlist
Get in touch
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Whatsapp qr code
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  2. WhatsApp will open
  3. Send a message to start a conversation
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